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Setting Up a List Building Sales Funnel Blueprint

A sales funnel blueprint that can generate lists is what you should look for if you want your business to take off. It is important to focus on building your list initially rather than making a sale. If you are able to attract leads, it does not matter if they are qualified or not at first. There will be plenty of opportunity to get them back if you know what crucial factors are necessary in designing your sales funnel.

There are certain elements you have to include so that you can generate leads that contribute to your conversion rate.

Elements of a Sales Funnel

1. A Compelling Squeeze Page

A squeeze page or landing page is where you solicit opt-in details from leads. Some sales funnel experts find it ideal to keep the squeeze page simple. However, this is your first opportunity to capture information about your visitors. If you are unable to grab their interest the first time, it can affect your opportunities in generating sales later on.

In order to make a compelling squeeze page, you need to present a compelling offer. Target your audience’s needs. In a sense, you are already selling something valuable, so you have to make an interesting offer from the start and reel them in from there.

2. A Simple OTO

After securing the name and email address, you have to seize the opportunity to present a one time offer. You will need a simple offer or solution that addresses the problem of the prospect. Offer a range of product or services such as video tutorials or EBooks that addresses their needs.

Make sure that what you decide to offer is relevant and interesting without overdoing it. You can put forward at least two OTOs, but try not to throw extra sales pitches or the main product will lose its value. Provide links and instructions, preferably through email, so that the prospect can avail of your offer.

3. A Registration Page

You will need to set up this system after you have identified your definite buyers from the prospects. Moving leads to another registration page will help you keep track of your list that you can offer additional products or services to. This is where you close the deal in the sales funnel blueprint. The setup should be clear-cut and concise so leads will make the right decision of buying.

4. A Download Page

This is the page where leads can download the offer found in the squeeze page and OTO. In a sales process, this is where they acquire their purchase and you make a sale. You may want to offer another product, but focus on content as always. Just like the initial offer, keep the subsequent offers relevant and simple.

5. A Reliable Email Marketing System

After qualified leads opt in to avail of your OTO, you will need an email marketing system. If you do not know how to setup an email utility or auto responder, you can try an email marketing service provider. You can also learn from tutorials on how to set up the auto responder in your email account although that might take time. Once you have the system set up, you can focus on making other offers through updating your list.

6. Keep Your Leads Updated

You can do this in two ways. First, you can keep your qualified leads and subscribers updated by regularly sending emails containing helpful content. Second, create useful content that both attract and retain the attention of potential and existing leads. The key is consistency in driving traffic to your site. There are many ways to generate content to get traffic. There are also marketing entrepreneurs that can help you create email content that will keep leads interested.

Design Your Own Blueprint

If creating your own sales funnel blueprint presents too many unknown variables, it is better to hire a project manager. You can also choose to invest some effort in learning how to set up pages and auto responders. However, it will require time to learn online marketing ropes. You could lose opportunities during that period to build your list and make a sale. Try to remember that designing the business sales funnel is just as important as acting on that scheme. Before finalizing the blueprint, make sure all key elements meet your business goals.

How to Create a Sales Funnel and Profit From It

Internet marketing is very complex and a newbie in this field may find it really difficult to understand the ins and outs of the online marketing world. Those who already have a strong background in internet marketing may always presume that anybody can easily understand the basics of online marketing.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, especially when they hear about a sales funnel. They cannot seem to comprehend why a sales funnel is important and basically do not know how to create a sales funnel.
A Simple Explanation of a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel can sound way too complicated when not explained in simpler terms. The good news is, there is a much simpler way to explain things and this is what we will do here. A sales funnel is designed like the regular funnel that you know. Yes, that same funnel that you use for transferring liquids from a big container to a smaller one to prevent it from spilling.
Now, what do you observe in a funnel? It basically has a big end on the top and a narrow end at the bottom. You begin pouring at the big end and the material comes out of the narrow end and eventually gets transferred to the container that you are transferring it to.

So how can you use this type of structure help in your sales campaign?
Think about it this way, as visitors come into your website, they start coming in the big end of the funnel. They encounter the products that you are selling on your website. Then they go down the funnel and slowly realize which products they are interested in.

Along the way, there will be some visitors who are not keen about purchasing the product and leave , while there are those who are sure about purchasing and continue to go down the funnel and eventually end up at the bottom of the funnel, which is where the sales takes place.

The Importance of Learning How to Create a Sales Funnel

By now you already have an understanding of a sales funnel. However, you might still be wondering if you need one for your own business. If you want your business to make a profit, then you need to have one for yourself.

Now that you are convinced that your business will need to have a sales funnel, it is time to learn how to create a sales funnel. Most internet marketers would suggest that you construct your sales funnel in such a way that you have different products to offer to every customer who goes through your funnel.

The idea is to offer various products to your potential customer as they go down your own funnel. The most ideal way of positioning your products in the funnel is to have it from the cheapest to the most expensive one.

How to Begin Convincing Customers

This is the tough part, while your website may have a lot of visits, not all of them would have that much interest and eventually end up purchasing from you. One very convincing marketing strategy is to offer a freebie. It can be one of your products or an ebook that your customers can make use of. Aside from that, you may also offer a software or basically another product. Just think of one thing, this must be something that your website visitors would want to take advantage of.

Once your potential customer avails of your freebie, it is time to offer your first inexpensive product. Ideally, this product must be less than $20. Depending on how the potential customer reacts to your first offer, you will have to offer an upsell or downsell. If the response is negative, you don’t have to give up immediately.

You begin offering a bargain priced version of your already inexpensive product. However, you will have to take off some features of the product. When the response is positive, you start offering the more expensive or upgraded version of your first product. This of course sells for a higher price, but definitely comes with more perks.
Just remember that learning how to create a sales funnel is not really difficult. All you need to do is to pay attention to the behavior of your customers. If you know what you are doing, then you can eventually bring them to the bottom of your own funnel.